We need pictures of as many descendants of William Greenwood Russell and his two wives Louisa Jones and Elizabeth Vickery as possible. Please email them to me and I will edit them if necessary and post them as well as have them available at the reunion for others.
It is wonderful to find more information on William. He is my 3rd great-grandfather through is son, George Washington Russell. It has been so difficult to find information on Louisa... thank you!
This is wonderful. I have been looking for connections for Louisa Jones for years in a haphazard way. I was about to start looking into mariners on the Great Lakes because I found William listed in the Cleveland city directory as a captain and figured the shipping records would hold more information. It just seemed that I could never make enough connections, but all your information fits the "family stories" that were passed down with a sort of wink-wink look (you know that these were all made up) that the old sea captain, who changed his name, married a disowned French royal. This brings things into focus and actually isolates that there were facts intertwined in the old stories.
Elisa Ann Russell was my great great grandmother.
How exciting for me to find this information about my great great grandfather! Thanks you so much for your research and for posting these interesting stories. My maiden name is Russell (well I guess it's really Greenwood!) I am a descendant through John Thomas Russell and I live in Farmington, Utah. My husband and I are planning a trip to England the end of August, so we have been trying to find out where our ancestors came from and perhaps visit some of those towns. We had already planned to go to Liverpool (and go on the Beatles Tour!), but now it will be more meaningful. I have a short life sketch of John Thomas Russell and perhaps a very little information (that is sketchy) about William and Elizabeth. Thanks Again!!! You can email me at paulabarker@att.net
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